18 januari 2022 Caroline van de Ven
Tip:  klik instellingen, snelheid 0.75, dan praat Gabrielle iets langzamer en duidelijker verstaanbaar…

Transcript of Gabrielle Roths’ empowering speech to retrieve our souls:

The important thing to realize is that Chaos has two sides; it has a shadow side and that’s when it’s not grounded. And that just is a panic. It’s like living in a panic room.

And if we’re not careful we’re moving in the direction of living in a panic room, because we are taking in so much information and we’re not grounding it. And we’re holding it on to it; it’s not passing through us.

We’re like, you know, we’re like CNN Headline back here. We have all kinds of data, we have so much data and so many things and so much to hold on to, that it’s imperative that we have a practice where we can remember how to let go.  That we have a practice that we can remember our feet.

If we’re not in, if we’re not at home in our own bodies and we’re not in the instrument that’s tuned in to all the changes; and so we’re not picking up, you know, our messages in the big chatroom, we’re so busy in that small little chat room picking up all these ‘important’ messages,  we are on a trip instead of a journey.

You know, I think of David Byrne in the Talking Heads, it was like such a brilliant title for a band, because we had become and we have still the possibility of being Talking Heads.

Disconnected from our personal truth, disconnected from our personal power, disconnected from our centers, from our roots, from our ancestors, you know, disconnected from a divine intelligence, from source, from something bigger than us that drives us, and moves us, and holds us, and rocks us, and shapes us.

We have become disconnected from the things that are valuable to us as human beings. What is it to be a human being? Human be-ing! It’s emotion, it’s a dance, it’s an energy, it’s something spontaneous and brilliant and original. And we have lost that! I say that we have to retrieve our souls!


Caroline van de Ven

Caroline van de Ven is 5Ritmes® docent en lid van de 5Rhythms Teachers Association (5RTA). Zij werd opgeleid door Jonathan Horan, zoon van Gabrielle Roth, de moeder van de 5 Ritmes®. Voorheen werkte Caroline als fysiotherapeut, klassiek homeopaat en beeldend kunstenaar. Tevens is zij geschoold in Gestalttherapie, lichaamsgerichte therapie, wetenschappelijk medisch onderzoek en diverse dansvormen (klassiek, beat- & jazzballet). Ook deed zij een opleiding Rouwverwerking om mensen in de dans te kunnen begeleiden bij verlies (verlies van een geliefde door overlijden, maar ook verlies van gezondheid, werk, relatie, etc.). Momenteel geeft en organiseert zij 5 Ritmes® lessen, workshops en lezingen. Daarnaast assisteert zij collega’s bij hun workshops in binnen- en buitenland. Haar thuisbasis is in Beek-Ubbergen, vlakbij Nijmegen; van daaruit reist zij graag, ze geeft ook les in Zuid-Limburg en incidenteel in Keulen en Düsseldorf in Duitsland en in Linz in Oostenrijk. Het dansen van de 5 Ritmes®, bewegend mediteren, is haar leefstijl geworden.