25 August 2017 Caroline van de Ven

Sunlight, warmth, vast blue sky dotted with stunning white summer clouds… I am sitting next to my beloved… watching birds and flowers… taking in soft strokes of a gentle breeze… enjoying the magnificence of a pomegranate, the taste of elderly flower lemonade… being together like this… sharing this all with the man I love… it’s sheer bliss…

After quarrelling for months, rubbing and scouring, finally we are at peace. Finally? We are at peace now and we deeply enjoy. Enjoy each other’s warmth, skin, presence, love… For his willingness to grow, to keep on going for better and for worse, for this trust in our love I deeply love him.

Now we are relaxed, we spend joyful time together, shared time, doing nothing, being still, at ease with a deep joy from inside… the man I love…

We laugh, we dance on ELO-hits, we tell stories and read to each other, we share food and live outside most of the time, now that weather allows us… we love this soft and mild summer…

He has plans for the near future, my beautiful man; from now on up to next summer. He wants to travel through Europe, meet people, bake and share bread, sit around a fire, dance, sing and tell stories… let people listen to their hearts, let them live from their hearts… he’s going out there to build communities, from his heart; his YES to Life…

What a beautiful offer he has to give, to share with everybody… what a simple and profound way of building and healing… so powerful… our daily bread and all that comes from that.

I hope you will meet him somewhere on his Power Flour Tour… the man I love…


Caroline van de Ven

Caroline van de Ven is 5Ritmes® docent en lid van de 5Rhythms Teachers Association (5RTA). Zij werd opgeleid door Jonathan Horan, zoon van Gabrielle Roth, de moeder van de 5 Ritmes®. Voorheen werkte Caroline als fysiotherapeut, klassiek homeopaat en beeldend kunstenaar. Tevens is zij geschoold in Gestalttherapie, lichaamsgerichte therapie, wetenschappelijk medisch onderzoek en diverse dansvormen (klassiek, beat- & jazzballet). Ook deed zij een opleiding Rouwverwerking om mensen in de dans te kunnen begeleiden bij verlies (verlies van een geliefde door overlijden, maar ook verlies van gezondheid, werk, relatie, etc.). Momenteel geeft en organiseert zij 5 Ritmes® lessen, workshops en lezingen. Daarnaast assisteert zij collega’s bij hun workshops in binnen- en buitenland. Haar thuisbasis is in Beek-Ubbergen, vlakbij Nijmegen; van daaruit reist zij graag, ze geeft ook les in Zuid-Limburg en incidenteel in Keulen en Düsseldorf in Duitsland en in Linz in Oostenrijk. Het dansen van de 5 Ritmes®, bewegend mediteren, is haar leefstijl geworden.