28 november 2019 Caroline van de Ven

Just arrived home from a ten days 5Rhythms workshop with Mirjam van Hasselt, Dancing journey in the Desert; for me it was a first acquaintance with the Morroccan Sahara… not fully back on my feet yet…

The Rhythms brought me to an extraordinary place this time, totally out of my comfort zone… a place I was afraid of and now, that I have been there I am in awe…

We were guided by Morrocan men, Berbers, they kept us safe and sound and nourished… ‘Tea in the Sahara with you’ has a totally different meaning now… full of sacral respect, gratitude for giving and receiving…

We searched for deadwood, built fires to bake our bread in the ashes, such a richness in an environment of scarcity…

We walked sand dunes, riverbeds and endless plains, were carried by so many different types of soil; into the rhythm of walking, grounding, just putting one foot in front of the other.

One time we danced our earth dances on wavering white dunes, another dance was on magnificent, majestically flowing red dunes, always under an all embracing dome of cerulean sky – 360 degrees of cerulean is truly magical-.

At the end of the day we watched this beautiful blue colour change into all reds and violets one can think of, a colour palette from nature, mixing into an overall deep dark translucent ink blue, dotted with shining planets and sparkling stars… another sublime experience…

Almost at the end of our journey, we found water… a well… what a joy to splash around, to wash and shower… the touch of water… the abundance of a well…

Under the firmament of stars, sleeping outside, next to the camels of our caravan, I could feel my heart jumping from joy; my soul opening wide to receive the deep intense sensation of love and profound connection… here in the Sahara my total being understood about contrasts… the hidden harmony… bringing all together… essence…oneness…

A grandiose, humbling, purifying experience… out of my comfortzone, into life!



Caroline van de Ven

Caroline van de Ven is 5Ritmes® docent en lid van de 5Rhythms Teachers Association (5RTA). Zij werd opgeleid door Jonathan Horan, zoon van Gabrielle Roth, de moeder van de 5 Ritmes®. Voorheen werkte Caroline als fysiotherapeut, klassiek homeopaat en beeldend kunstenaar. Tevens is zij geschoold in Gestalttherapie, lichaamsgerichte therapie, wetenschappelijk medisch onderzoek en diverse dansvormen (klassiek, beat- & jazzballet). Ook deed zij een opleiding Rouwverwerking om mensen in de dans te kunnen begeleiden bij verlies (verlies van een geliefde door overlijden, maar ook verlies van gezondheid, werk, relatie, etc.). Momenteel geeft en organiseert zij 5 Ritmes® lessen, workshops en lezingen. Daarnaast assisteert zij collega’s bij hun workshops in binnen- en buitenland. Haar thuisbasis is in Beek-Ubbergen, vlakbij Nijmegen; van daaruit reist zij graag, ze geeft ook les in Zuid-Limburg en incidenteel in Keulen en Düsseldorf in Duitsland en in Linz in Oostenrijk. Het dansen van de 5 Ritmes®, bewegend mediteren, is haar leefstijl geworden.